Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Rainy Week...

Despite the rain, work continued on the Near Zero Energy Home. On Saturday, January 29th, 60+ students and parents from Bishop England and Wando High School arrived with shovel in hand to dig the foundation for this very special home. We had planned on an all day dig, but the trenches were completed before lunch! It was great to have parents there to help lead smaller groups because with 60 high school aged kids, things can get chaotic fast.
The Regulars picked up where the youth left off and laid the rebar prepping the foundation for concrete.  This house has a different rebar pattern than our other houses, so it took some time to learn the new pattern.  But, our very talented corps of regulars were up to the task. 
So what happens when you dig a foundation and then it rains –that’s right it fills with water.  We were able to scoop out enough water from the trenches so that we were able to pour the concrete and complete the foundation.  Thanks to the new laser level, this may be one of the most level foundations yet!

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